Hope Lives in Kindness

Livestock's Longer Shadow: Hope Lives in Kindness
Published: 15 November 2021
Most people have little idea how eating animal-based foods harms our health, our planet and the animals we farm. We accept the illnesses we suffer are simply a consequence of getting old. We want to believe the animals we eat do not suffer pain, injury and live good lives. We want to believe our food choices do not cause deforestation. We are told farmers are the guardians of the countryside, yet our landscape is over-cultured and biologically dysfunctional, and our environment polluted by livestock farming. Livestock’s Longer Shadow, cuts through the noise for anyone wanting to know how we really treat our health, our planet and livestock through the ways we farm and consume animals, through a UK lens.
Hardback: Printed Paper Case
Size: 22.86cm tall x 15.24cm wide x 2.42cm depth
Estimated pages: 386 pages
Publisher: The Choir Press
Publication date: 15th November 2021
Other: Kindle edition

Tim Bailey is one of the UK’s most prominent farm regulatory pollution experts, with a distinguished thirty-year career from a field officer to senior national advisor. He studied at the University of Plymouth and has a BSc (Hons) degree in Environmental Science, specialising in geology and hydrogeology; and is a Chartered Waste Manager (MCIWM) and a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv). Tim is also a researcher, conservationist, horticulturalist and a specialist natural history author with several published titles sold worldwide. Tim lives in Somerset, England, and is an advocate for sustainable agriculture, rewilding, animal kindness and for a whole-food plant-based diet.
Tim's book Livestocks Longer Shadow is a personal account and not an account of any of other body or person. This includes all associated communication in relation to his book and beliefs, e.g. media, talks, debates, etc.
"One of the most important books of its kind since Ruth Harrison’s Animal Machines (1964)"